Why You Should Never Cut Your Cat’s Claws, And What You Can Do Instead

Why You Should Never Cut Your Cat’s Claws, And What You Can Do Instead

Why You Should Never Cut Your Cat’s Claws, And What You Can Do Instead

Sure, it’s the easy solution. Your cat is destroying your sofa, unravelling your carpet and lacerating your coffee table. Just one snip of the scissors and no more claws.

You think you’re doing a good thing. Yet, it’s actually a real blow to their confidence and well being.  Picture this: You wake up one morning and part of your body is missing! Not to mention one of the most useful parts in terms of defending yourself.

Here are 4 reasons why you should never cut your cats claws. And 3 things you can do instead.

1.  Claws form part of your cats identity.

Cats are exceptional hunters, unparalleled climbers and selfdefence professionals. And all of that is thanks to their claws. Even if they live in an apartment, they are used everyday.

2. They help them stay in shape.

Cats use their claws to stretch out, relax their muscles, exercise and play. They contribute to their good health. Cutting their claws stops them from doing the activities that are essential to their wellbeing. They will have a higher risk of developing problems linked to lack of movement (e.g. arthritis)



3. No claws = no defence.

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